‘Remind yourself that it’s okay not to be perfect.’
This has been a great week in the Okanagan at my parents place. It’s been lovely to stay in one place for awhile and do a bunch of blogging, reading, and admininstrative type things. I’ve done my first vblog (video blog).
The nip of Autumn is in the air, but we’ve managed to still get a few days of summer warm weather. My brother arranged a boat trip on Okanagan Lake for the family – where we kept our eyes open for any spot-tings of Ogopogo – our Canadian version of the Lochness Monster. I can highly recommend hiring a boat on the lake and enjoying it’s summer fun. We even jumped in for a lovely swim.
We’ve had a few family gatherings – movies, lunch and dinners. I managed to meet big brother at work and have lunch – just the 2 of us. We discussed plans for our family cruise excursions in December – looking forward to it! Managed a lunch at the Cherry Pit Restaurant with Mom – good food at a good local restaurant. We’ve got the whole clan together twice, once, at my brother’s and then at my parents, which is always nice. We’ve even managed to have a few camp fires – as we are in a semi-arid desert, most of the summer, you can’t have outdoor fires, but the fire ban has been lifted with the cooling of the weather.
Today, we are off to do a bit of wine touring – one of my favourite past times. The Okanagan is a fruit belt in B.C., so they eventually started to figure out how to grow wine grapes and we are now the ‘Nappy Valley of the North’ with many of the wines winning international awards, but due to the small boutiqueness of it, most of the wines are sold in B.C. or Canada. So you really have to come and visit to get the full flavour of what this region of my home province has to offer. What is your favourite type of wine? For me, it’s new world wines – both red and white.
Much Love Debx
Added info:
We, also, made it out to see the Elvis Impersonator – Adam Fitzpatrick at an free outdoor concert. He sounds just like the King of rock n’ roll and has a great sense of humour on stage. Check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLBisS40_E
and, if you like the area, we have a piece of land For Sale – check it out: (My Dad made the sign!)

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