Who doesn’t love a good murder mystery? Sherlock Holmes Museum and a bit of cake is a great place to start.
Well, if you’ve read my posts about Agatha Christie, then you know I do! You can check those posts out here, here or here.
Sherlock Holmes feels real…
This ‘museum’, yes using that term lightly, as he is a fictional character and doesn’t really have a home, but this started on 27 March 1990. Only 8 years after I arrived on these fair isles! Except that Sherlock was alive and well from 1881-1904, so why so late? Guess it took them a while to acquire the rights to this very expensive piece of real estate.
When you arrive and I suggest you do it 1st thing, as it’s a very popular place to go, you buy your ticket and then queue to go in. Thankfully, the day we went, there weren’t many people yet, as we arrived when it opened. They give you a brochure and in it you can place yourself in 1 of 3 categories – a) beginner Sherlocker, b) intermediate Sherlocker or c) Advanced Sherlocker. I’m afraid I fall into a) – my favourite sleuth is Agatha, of course!
The Space itself…
It’s quite small, but the gift shop is huge, so hence how they can afford the rather high rates for this property. In fact, the gift shop has grown since I 1st lived in this area, but the ‘museum’ itself hasn’t changed much. I can highly recommend this stop if you are a real Sherlock fan, but otherwise, don’t bother – it’s small, hot and crammed full of stuff from his stories, so would have little meaning to anyone if you don’t have some grasp or interest in Sir Conan Doyle.
- Room in museum
- Plack out front
- Room in museum
- Room in museum
- Room in museum
- Room in Museum
- Room in museum
Let them eat cake…

Double Decker bus tour of London
Yes, please! Whenever I go to London and stay, I always try to do something new and this time, this was it! Yummy! I had been planning this for ages and managed to find a good friend to join me in the cake adventure on a double-decker bus tour of London. This was her 1st time!
It’s taken me over a year to get my act together to do Brigit’s double-decker Afternoon Tour Bus ride – it was well worth the wait.
It was quite a chilly day, so a tip, if you are sitting in the lower area of the bus, best dress very warm, as there isn’t heating. That’s where we had booked, but got ‘bumped’ upstairs, due to a late cancellation – lucky us!
The service was amazing – really! I know London isn’t known for its service, but it was absolutely brilliant. No, they didn’t pay me to say this, I was stum about the fact that I write these travels blogs.
The cakes and tea were excellent, too, plus we got extras, as there were extras to be had! A nice bonus was, well, I can’t tell you that, as that would be giving away the surprise, but we both walked away with a nice souvenir.
What great places have you discovered in London? Elsewhere, that no one knows, do tell below…
- Let us eat cake!
- Yes!
- Tea menu
- Tour map