‘Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over, it became the butterfly…’
The 1st month is drawing to an end and what a month! This week, I left my home of 16 years to go straight into a week run of my one-woman show – Miss Givings.
This was the reason we didn’t leave sooner, as this Festival was booked ages ago and I was keen to be able to do a whole week in one place – quite a luxury for a show of this type.
It was a lot of fun and we ended on a packed house, always good to end on a high. Some of the highlights for me were seeing the other shows and films (for links of the shows/bands/films I can recommend, go down to the bottom of the blog). I had some awesome nights out, as there was great stuff to watch and listen to. It reminds me why I love to watch live performances and go to the movies. Felt like a week of really great play! Plus, Henley was beautiful, with fantastic places to eat. I, especially, enjoyed my hot chocolate and raspberry parfait cake at the ‘Chocolate Cafe’.
Also, this was the setting for the TV series ‘Midsomer Murders’
and the book ‘Wind in the Willows’
which I didn’t know.
I’m, now, back in London at a friend and did an awesome rollerblade through the downtown streets of London – I, only, found out, on my train ride to Henley, this was possible in London.
I first knew about these groups from a trip to Paris and have wanted to do it since, so ‘tick’ another thing off the bucket list. I can honestly say, it’s not for the faint-hearted, but I managed to keep up and upright. (for details on where to hire rollerblades click here)
What crazy last minute things have you done? I’m always looking for new adventures!
Roll on next week!
Shows/Bands/Films at Henley Fringe:
Women of an Uncertain Age, Sign of the Times
Naomi Vallance, Crossfire Hurricanes
Short Films:
Amaqqut Nunaat
The Wires, Four Tails, Things I like about sex and dogs & Keep Fighting

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