In just over 50 days we travel to Canada and then the USA for several months. I am fascinated by the USA. I have visited New York and Washington, DC. several times and enjoyed both the cities. We are now we are about to embark on a round the USA tour in an RV. It is all a bit overwhelming trying to determine where to go and what to see. In order to make it at least a bit manageable and achievable I have decided to make a USA bucket list and would welcome any suggestions from people.
My USA bucket list
The Grand Canyon
Arches National Park
New Orleans
Yellowstone National Park
Mount Rushmore
The Wave Canyon
Times Square
Gettysburg National Military Park
National Mall, Washington, D.C.
The Bourbon Trail, Kentucky
Climb White Butte in North Dakota

Way too much outdoors, where’s the Epcot center, the Smithsonian, the Kennedy space center etc
Cape Cod, Florida Everglades