‘People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.’
What an awesome week!
This week we sailed off to the Western Caribbean on the Norwegian Sun cruise ship. This part of our trip brought the whole Bridge clan together, which included my brother & his brood, my parents and John & I.
We, literally, sailed off into the sunset from Tampa Bay, Florida.
Our first day was at sea – love sea days for relaxing and taking it easy.
Our first port was Roatan, Honduras; a lovely island. My brother arranged all the tours for us, as we all agreed, we didn’t want to use the on board tours. All of us have had poor experiences at high prices for cruise tours. So we hired a taxi driver for $25 each (8 of us) and were driven all over the island, which included going to a monkey farm and feeding the monkeys, and
then off to a beach resort for an afternoon of R n R.
Our next day, found us in Belize where we went on an inner tube cave experience. With this tour, we got lunch included ($50 pp). I got to touch a tarantula in the wild. Nice thing about this tour, we didn’t have to carry our tubes, plus we ate and drank the juices with ice and no food poisoning – delicious local food, too!
Then our next day, we went to Costa Maya to see some Mayan ruins
and have another afternoon of local food and fun. Loved the ruins and saw the smallest bees ever – they had no stingers.
In the afternoon, our food and drinks were included. This was at a lovely resort on a ‘lagoon’ (I’d say lake – Bacalar Lagoon Resort), where you can kayak and drink Pina Colada’s to your heart’s content.
Our 4th stop was at Cozumel – a zoo of 6 cruise ships, so I didn’t get off the ship.
Sad good-byes to my brother and family, now, we are off to Christmas in Northern Florida.
Merry Christmas!

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Another version of our cruise from my wife’s perspective.