‘Sing as if no one can hear.’
This has been an awesome week in Cambodia. I’ve eaten things I never thought I would and seen the famous Killing Fields of Cambodia. It’s all here in Phnom Penh.
Our first stop this week was at the Bophana Centre
– a film archive. We went here to give us a good start to understand what happened here under the Khmer Rouges. In less than 4 years they killed approximately 3 million of their own people. Then, there were years afterwards of starvation due to politics on the world stage. Many charities and governments of the UN refused to give aid due to the fact that they didn’t agree with the side of Communism Cambodia was on – they were aligned a little with Russia/Vietnam rather than China. To be honest they aren’t under any umbrella – very sad history.
Still, this is an incredible place and the people are so friendly and kind. Our staff at our hotel (Double Leaf) are extremely helpful and speak English well. Our Tuk Tuk driver – Chamnam (tuk tuk #008) is a very hard-working young man. Very reliable and drove us all over – long days for him. This is a country where $15 a day means you can eat and live. Many here earn a lot less.
We, then, went onto a food tour (Urban Forage) and ate bugs of all kinds and I tried my first frog legs – all very tasty! There was a delicious dessert with lentils – over all – yummy! (More photos at end of blog.)
We did an evening cruise (Memorable Cruises) on the Mekong River, went to an amazing behind the scenes tour of a local Wildlife Alliance (Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center) – so many beautiful animals from such sad backgrounds: pet trade, torture and zoos (more photos at end of blog),
the Genocide Museum (S21),
a cultural show of the shadow puppets
(Sovanna Phum) and, then, our final stop was the killing field near here (more photos at end of blog).
One more new experience was at the local 4XD movie theatre, where you watch a movie with actual effects of the wind, moving chair, etc. A bit like riding a roller coaster while watching a movie.
Such an incredible week of learning, having fun and finding understanding of the past.
Love Debx
Food Tour photos:
Wildlife Alliance Photos:
Killing Fields Photos: