‘Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.’
This time last week we were still battling severe thunder-storm warnings and possible Tornadoes. We did manage a day break to Savannah, Georgia. We trolled around with my parents to get a better understanding of the city, but the engine was so loud it was hard to hear the guide.
It’s a beautiful city with many squares which remind me of English city squares. Despite the rain, it is warmer which makes it all worth it.
From here we drove through rain storms to arrive at the Peace River Thousand Trails campsite (Florida), just in time for the American Thanksgiving.
We joined in on a mass Thanksgiving meal which was delicious with more than we could eat, especially pumpkin pie!
It was a beautiful campsite, but there wasn’t much that interested us in the area, so Mom and I enjoyed the hot tube and we got some practical things done. Right now I’m the Triominos champ – undefeated one! The mojo is getting its Christmas make-over.
John and I have, now, gone off towards the Keyes, while Mom and Dad head closer to Orlando. Down here we’ve been on an air boat tour – awesome –
in the Mangroves, held gators
and did a boat tour of 10 000 islands/Everglades National Park.
So many gorgeous animals to see, such as Pelicans, Dolphins, Alligators, Flamingos, Raccoons and many others. Plus it’s sunny and warm! Yippee! (Photos of animals at bottom of blog.)
Photos of Animals: