Bridge the Travel Gap

Cruise Crud & on the move to Mississippi!

‘When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.’ – F.D. Roosevelt

We only have one more month in the U.S.A. before we fly off to Austral-Asia.

This week I’ve learned a new term – ‘Cruise Crud.’ We have, all 4 of us, come down with the flu.

It’s hit us hard and the recovery is slow – especially for the cough that goes with it. Fingers crossed, we are all on the mend.

Well, our great plans for Christmas had to be altered slightly due to our illness, but 3 of us made it to our cousins for a stellar meal and some good laughs.


Cousin Jessie and my Mom

St. Augustine

St. Augustine

We did manage – 3 of us – to have a day visit in St. Augustine. Really recommend a long weekend here, as you can only get a quick feel for it in a day. It’s the oldest city in the U.S., as the Spanish landed here first. We were advised the Fort and jail are really worth taking some time to go through, plus, the chocolates are good. We managed a tour and dinner in an excellent restaurant, but our plans to come back the next day were thwarted by the nasty flu.


Jessie at the restaurant

After Christmas, it was time to say good-bye to our month in Florida and start heading towards. L.A. where our next flight out originates from.

Our first night was at a northern area – the pan handle. We were all still very much recovering, so we took it easy.


Beach at Bay St. Louis

Next day, we went to the beautiful state of Mississippi. Here, we over-nighted for 2 nights. So Mom and I had some time and the energy to go see some of the local area, the boys were still out for the count with the flu. The area is still recovering from Hurricane Katrina in 2005,

Carved Oak

Carved oak from Hurricane Katrina

but there are beautiful old homes, sandy beaches and lovely little towns with boutique style shops – I found a lovely little dress in one.

New Dress

New Dress

Now, we are off to New Orleans for our New Year’s celebration!



Happy New Year!  What are some of your best New Year’s Eve memories?



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